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04 Aug, 2018

How to Answer "Tell Me About Yourself"

One of the questions that the interviewer will ask you is, “Tell me about yourself.” While it sounds simple, it can be paralyzing at the same time. However, answering this question is actually your chance to make a good impression to the interviewer.

So, how to answer this question?

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First thing first, you need to know what does the interviewer try to achieve from asking, “Tell me about yourself.” Does he want to know your hobby? Does he want to know about your personal information? Or, does  he want to know your soft skill?


The truth is, when an interviewer says, "Tell me about yourself," he wants to know how your experience is pertinent to the job you're interviewing for. Don’t waste the opportunity by simply diving into a long recitation of your resume. His ultimate goal for this interview is to find out enough about you to decide if you’re a good fit for the job opening that he is being paid to fill. Your answer to this question will dictate the interviewer’s first impression of you, and will set the tone for the entire interview, letting you lead with your strongest selling points.

Kathryn Minshew, the CEO of The Muse, shared a great formula which is called the Present-Past-Future formula to answer this question.

So, first you start with the present—where you are right now. Then, segue into the past—a little bit about the experiences you’ve had and the skills you gained at the previous position. Finally, finish with the future—why you are really excited for this particular opportunity.

You can also answer the question by sharing your personal interests, like your hobby which you’re passionate about, then connect it to your professional skills. Make sure to list some of your personal qualities beforehand to make it easier. Be careful not to overwhelm the interviewer with too much information. You may just want to focus on 3-4 of your strengths so that you can be more detailed when explain it later on.

Here’s an example of an effective answer:

I like to do travelling, whether with friends or just by myself. I like exploring new place, visiting historical sites, or even just walking around the town. Eeverytime I do travelling, I get the chance to meet new people and I always enjoy talking with who I meet. I feel that communication is one of the most important aspects of my professional life as well. When talking with people, being able to guide the conversation in a particular direction is one of the ways I’ve been successful in different situations at the office.

Remember throughout your answer to focus on the experiences and skills that are going to be most relevant for the interviewer when they’re thinking about this particular position and this company.