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  • 16 Apr, 2024

    Jelajah Budaya Thailand: Festival Songkran

    Thailand, selain dikenal sebagai negara dengan masyarakat yang ramah dan memiliki beragam destinasi wisata, juga diketahui memiliki banyak tradisi dan kebudayaan. Salah satu festival spektakuler di Thailand adalah Festival Songkran. Tidak hanya menjadi festival air terbesar di dunia, Songkran juga merupakan sebuah perayaan Tahun Baru bagi masyarakat Thailand.


    Asal Usul dan Makna Songkran

    Songkran berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta "Sankranti." Dalam budaya...

04 Aug, 2018

How to Answer "Tell Me About Yourself"

One of the questions that the interviewer will ask you is, “Tell me about yourself.” While it sounds simple, it can be paralyzing at the same time. However, answering this question is actually your chance to make a good impression to the...

31 Jul, 2018

6 Things to Do Before Internship Ends

It’s not only in the beginning of the internship that you need to prepare things beforehand but also at the end. You’ve worked hard and learned a lot during the internship so don’t waste it. Here’s what you need to do before internship ends to...

28 Jul, 2018

6 First Day of Internship Mistakes to Avoid

You've probably been looking forward to your first day of internship for ages already, but it’s also nerve-wracking when your brain just won't stop going over all the things that could possibly go wrong at work. Of course you want your first day...

24 Jul, 2018

Guide to Job Interview for Introverts

Interview itself is already nerve-wracking and it can be very tough for introverts. People with this personality trait struggle when put on the spot, and also can have difficulty with small talk and self-promotion. If you're an introvert, you're...

22 Jul, 2018

6 Things to Know Before Going to Jakarta

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia as well as the first metropolitan city in Indonesia. In fact, Jakarta is the second largest city in the world with over 30 million people. It’s quite a huge city! If you plan to have an internship in...

17 Jul, 2018

Your Guide to Professional E-mail Etiquette

Writing professional e-mails can be different from the e-mails that you send to your friends. There are some guidelines that you should pay attention to. You better not underestimate it as you e-mail behavior can cost your reputation both...

15 Jul, 2018

5 Free Things to Do in Singapore

Singapore may be known as one of the most expensive countries in Southeast Asia. However, it doesn’t mean that Singapore can offer something that is friendly to your budget. On the contraty, there are plenty of free things to see and do that will...

10 Jul, 2018

4 Must Answer Questions in Cover Letters

Must Answer Questions in Cover Letters

When you feel impatient, you may be tempted to not submit a cover letter. But please never do this. Writing the perfect cover letter is one of the important things that you need to practice. There are 4...

08 Jul, 2018

Building confidence at work

Confidence is a quality that you build over time and shaped by your life experience. Therefore, it is not a trait that every person is born with. When you are surrounded by other professionals in your field at the office, it can be hard to speak...

08 Jul, 2018

5 Popular Nature Attractions in Malang

Spending your leisure time in a place with cool breeze can refresh yourself. One of the places in East Java, Indonesia that offers this is Malang. You can travel with backpacker style to visit nature attractions in Malang as the budget that you...

03 Jul, 2018

Questions to Ask in an Interview

An interview is a two-way communication. Your interviewer is asking you questions to learn about you and your skills. In return, you need to prepare questions to ask. In fact, your interviewer will expect you to have some...

01 Jul, 2018

Guanxi: Understanding Chinese Business Etiquette

If you’re going to do an internship in China, you need to understand and learn about the concept of guanxi in Chinese culture. Without a deep understanding about this, you may feel like an outsider when it comes to do business in China...

26 Jun, 2018

How to Make a Good First Impression

It takes just a quick glance for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your mannerisms, and even how you...

24 Jun, 2018

6 Internship Golden Rules

Internship experience is one of the most important steps for a successful career. One important thing you need to put in your mind is that the professional world can be very different from university life. So, it’s important that to have an...

22 Jun, 2018

Feeling Homesick While Abroad? Try doing these!

To work and study abroad are something that many of us strive to do. It is a unique opportunity to see the world and make a connection with people from all around the globe. Unlike taking a vacation, staying long-term in another country provide...